Celebrating Anaida Pierre

In the embrace of today, under R3H’s sunlit ray,
 Annaida’s birth moment has come our way.

Together we gathered, in joy and in glee,
 Voicing our wishes, as one family tree.

With wide grins and laughter, our spirits took flight,
 Singing and dancing, we reveled in delight.
Nourishing our bonds with shared repast,
 In happiness we dwelt, moments to last.

For though it was Annaida’s day of birth, 
It felt as ours, in its radiant mirth.
 For in her joy, our hearts resonate,
 Celebrating as one, this beautiful fate.

Happy Birthday Anaida!

Dans l’étreinte d’aujourd’hui, sous le rayon de soleil de R3H, le moment de la naissance d’Annaida est arrivé.

Ensemble, nous nous sommes réunis, dans la joie et dans l’allégresse, Exprimant nos souhaits, comme un seul arbre généalogique.

Avec de larges sourires et des rires, nos esprits se sont envolés, en chantant et en dansant, nous nous sommes délectés de joie. Nourrissant nos liens avec un repas partagé, Dans le bonheur nous avons habité, des moments pour durer.

Car même si c’était le jour de la naissance d’Annaida, Il se sentait comme le nôtre, dans sa gaieté radieuse. Car dans sa joie, nos cœurs résonnent, Célé

About Me

In 2010 I visited Haiti with my dear friend Sean Penn and his organization JPHRO now known as CORE. He and his team showed me a side of Haiti that a simple guest or tourist could not see. I saw the beauty and resilience of a people held down by capitalism. I saw people struggling to pro-vide the most basic needs for their families. Haiti is meant to be a safe haven for ‘freedom seekers’ and the ‘Pearl of the Antilles’.  

The challenges are great but like all Haitians, I am not deterred by challenge.

Haiti represents HOPE to all struggling peoples and one day Haiti will be a beacon of light for all underdeveloped and supressed countries in the world. This is why my family places our focus and importance on Haiti. She deserves the chance to shine. We all do.

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Why Haiti?

Few countries have struggled with development like Haiti. Hobbled by foreign interventions, political instability, and natural disasters, the former French colony has long suffered from underdevelopment. The richest resource in

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